Home Education – Getting Started
HEAS receives many emails and telephone calls from visitors to this website. Most ask the same question – “How do I get started in home education?”
Unfortunately we cannot answer each message individually, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of publications designed to address all the questions that families ask when considering home education.
Our publications are continually being updated to reflect changes in the world of home education, so you can be sure that you’ll get the most up-to-date information available. As a not-for-profit organisation we keep the cost of our publications as low as possible in order to make them accessible to the widest audience.
Deciding what you need:
Are you new to home education? | YES – order the Home Education Handbook and HEAS Introductory Pack |
Will your child be taking exams? | YES – order HEAS Information Leaflet – Exams and Qualifications |
Does your child have Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan? | YES – order HEAS Information Leaflet – Special Educational Needs (SEN) |
Does your child suffer from dyslexia? | YES – order HEAS Information Leaflet – Dyslexia |
Are you planning to educate your children while you travel abroad? | YES – order HEAS Information Leaflet – Home Education Overseas |
Do you want to find useful resources for home education? | YES – order the Big Book of Resource Ideas |
Does your child (late primary to early secondary) need additional practice in Maths? | YES – order the HEAS Maths Practice: Materials for home educators |
Do you and your child need help with Maths at Secondary level? | YES – order the HEAS Maths Pack |
Things we DON’T provide:
HEAS doesn’t provide off-the-shelf curricula (but we can help you to design your own)
HEAS doesn’t provide lists of tutors in your area (try your local newspaper)
HEAS doesn’t have funds to assist families in financial difficulty